Middle School Dance Performances
Over time, our talented dancers create and practice many different routines to perform at various festivals and celebrations throughout the year at BWYA.
Over time, our talented dancers create and practice many different routines to perform at various festivals and celebrations throughout the year at BWYA.
Just before the Chinese New Year Holiday, the secondary school came together to see the incredible performances of this year’s Wolf Talent Show.
Grade 6 has been learning about conflict in school and how we can identify and deal with it.
As we go into the year of the Snake, we hope all of you have an incredible Chinese New Year holiday and celebration.
All of the K classes have been working hard on their personal narratives. This week their parents came in and they had the chance to present their work.
Over time, our talented dancers create and practice many different routines to perform at various festivals and celebrations throughout the year at BWYA.
Just before the Chinese New Year Holiday, the secondary school came together to see the incredible performances of this year’s Wolf Talent Show.
Monday- Friday: 8:00-16:00
Phone: (+86 10) 6470 6336
Email: info@ibwya.net
No. 18 Huajiadi Beili,
Chaoyang District,
100102 Beijing,
P. R. China
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